Send in your photos and favorite recipes,
we will try to get them posted.

Customer Appreciation Weekend 2004

Customer Appreciation Weekend 2003

Helpful Hint:

Laura's RV Fresh Water Tank Cleaner

    Dilute 1 cup chlorine (standard Household bleach) in 3 gallons of water. (Never pour straight chlorine or bleach into the water tank or it's fill.)  Slosh the mixture around in the tank.  You can do this on the return from an outing.  Drain completely.  Flush and drain 3 more times.
    Dilute 1/2 cup of baking soda in 1 gallon of scalding hot tap water (soda needs to be dissolved completely.)  Pour the mixture into the tank, then fill the tank and let it stand overnight.  Drain and flush twice.  Your fresh water tank should be clean and sanitized.
    When filling your water tank, add a small amount of chlorine (bleach) to purify the water.  1/8 cup of chlorine or bleach to 70 gallons of water - no taste or odor.  Adjust amount to size of your tank.  Just pour it into the water hose then attach hose and turn on water.

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